Filing extension

In general, the deadline for filing a tax return is the 31st July of the following year. If a tax advisor represents you, the deadline is extended by…

Filing an appeal, if the tax authorities take ages to proceed with your tax return!

As soon as your tax return is filed electronically and the tax authorities have all information necessary, generally it takes five to eight weeks until you will receive your tax assessment…

When can I benefit from filing a tax return?

Every year the same exhausting topic arises: the income tax return. Am I obliged to file a tax return? Can I expect a tax refund or do I have to pay additional taxes…

How to deduct medical expenses in your German income tax return!

Medical expenses can be deducted as extraordinary expenses. However, the so called reasonable self-retention has to be considered i.e. medical expenses only can be deducted…

Relocation expenses in Germany

Employees can deduct relocation expenses if the costs are job-related and when the costs are not reimbursed by employer. Expenses for privately motivated relocations…